Yesterday, I received a copy of the final US version of THE KILLING KIND . It's my first hardcover release, and it's as gorgeous as I've come to expect from Mulholland Books —sleek, modern, and eye-catching. There is, however, something missing. Namely, my acknowledgments. These things happen. Putting together a book is a complex process. Now and again, something's bound to fall through the cracks. And I'm assured my acknowledgments will appear in later editions. But in the meantime, I thought I'd share them here. THE KILLING KIND traveled a long and winding road to publication, and many have helped it on its way. It'd be a shame if their efforts were to go unrecognized. So, without further ado... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A few years ago, Steve Weddle, editor of Needle: A Magazine of Noir, asked if I’d be interested in contributing a short story. I pitched him a couple ideas, and he pushed me to write the more ambitious of the two. The resulting story, “The ...