
Showing posts from 2008

For Anybody Keeping Score

This week, I received word from Richard Helms, editor of The Back Alley webzine, that my story "The Big Score" will be appearing in their July issue! "The Big Score" was originally written for an anthology of Maine crime fiction that sadly never came to pass, and I'm delighted that it's found a good home. It's without a doubt the most classically pulpy of all my shorts, complete with McGuffins, double-crosses, triple-crosses, guns, drugs, and, um, literal herrings. It is gratifying, then, that it'd wind up being published by an editor with such a deep appreciation for all things noir that each issue of The Back Alley features a classic noir story from the public domain.

Seven Kinds of Crazy

The 2007 Spinetingler Awards were just announced, and "Seven Days of Rain" seems to have, um, won . Obviously, I couldn't be happier. The field was absolutely stacked with awesome stories, and I was honored to have mine listed among them. Thanks to all who voted for me, and to Bryon Quertermous for taking a chance on the story in the first place!