I've had a charmed run when it comes to covers. The distressed, Penguin-inspired covers for the Collector trilogy beautifully evoke the dime store paperbacks that inspired the series, and garnered no shortage of praise. So the cover for THE KILLING KIND had a lot to live up to.
Lucky for me, Mulholland is no slouch in the design department. Duane Swierczynski's CANARY practically screams to be picked up. The cover for Lauren Beukes' BROKEN MONSTERS is as eerie and unsettling as the novel itself. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention J.J. Abrams' and Doug Dorst's S., which may well be the prettiest book I've ever seen.
But in covers, as in life, there are no guarantees. So how's THE KILLING KIND stack up?
Lucky for me, Mulholland is no slouch in the design department. Duane Swierczynski's CANARY practically screams to be picked up. The cover for Lauren Beukes' BROKEN MONSTERS is as eerie and unsettling as the novel itself. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention J.J. Abrams' and Doug Dorst's S., which may well be the prettiest book I've ever seen.
But in covers, as in life, there are no guarantees. So how's THE KILLING KIND stack up?
As far as I'm concerned, they nailed it. This cover positions Michael Hendricks as an iconic action hero in the vein of Bourne and Bond. It's bold and graphic, and promises no shortage of mayhem within. And it'll look mighty pretty in thumbnail or on a shelf.
Like it? Love it? Wanna have its cover-babies? Feel free to pop over to my author page on Facebook and say so. Not your cup of tea? Well, then, it's quiet time for you. Oh, and stay tuned: I've got an amazing UK/Australia/New Zealand cover yet to reveal...