"Murderers' Row" in EQMM!
Shortly after the publication of RED RIGHT HAND , I struggled with a wicked case of writer's block. Doubtless some of you are of the opinion that writer's block doesn't exist. Pray you never come to learn how wrong you are. Appropriately enough, the first thing I finished on my long road back to productivity was a metafictional short story about grappling with writer's block and my moral obligations as a crime writer. (It was inspired by a bizarre exchange I once had at Portland's fabled Great Lost Bear , and kinda sorta features Ted Bundy, so it's probably not as boring as the last sentence makes it sound.) That story, "Murderers' Row," appears in the July/August issue of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine , which should hit shelves any day now. Look for it wherever magazines are sold. Twelve years ago, EQMM published my very first short story. It seems fitting they'd publish my thirtieth. Hope y'all enjoy "Murderers' Ro