Every once and a while a project comes along that's too cool to turn down, no matter how swamped I am with other stuff. So it was with TROUBLE IN THE HEARTLAND, which is out today. TROUBLE IN THE HEARTLAND is an anthology of crime fiction inspired by the songs of Bruce Springsteen. It features such talented writers as Dennis Lehane, Hilary Davidson, Todd Robinson, and Steve Weddle. Proceeds benefit the Bob Woodruff Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping veterans. I was lucky enough to get my pick of songs to use as inspiration. The song I chose was "Mansion on the Hill," an achingly beautiful track off one of the most haunting records of all time , and I hope I did it justice. Thanks to Joe Clifford, Zelmer Pulp, and Gutter Books for their hard work on this project. If you'd like a copy, or you've got a Springsteen fan on your Christmas shopping list, TROUBLE IN THE HEARTLAND is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble . Even better, ask yo